
Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Albert Morell

i like these images as i like the fact the artist has only used one colour, but they still look really intricate.

Andy Gellenberg

i like these images as i like the way the artists has used shapes in order to create an image. i also like the use of colour within the image.

Gustavo Brigante

i like these images as i like how they make inanimate objects into something really such as the machine below also appears to be a tree. but i also like the crude nature behind the other image. 

Willie Ryan

i like this image as i like the use of colour and the minimalistic approach in making it. 


i like this image as i like the use of colour in order to make it more interesting but i also like the hidden message behind it, as i find the use of bright colours allows the message to be more prominent. 

Shauna Lyn panczyszyn

i like these images as i like the use of font to make an image and i like the use of colours within it.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Chris Ede

i like this image as i like the fact the artist has only used one colour in order to create it, and i like how minimalistic the image is. 

Kaylene Alder

i dislike this image as i find it to be too busy as a whole, and i dont like the style the artist has used.

Aaron Broadhurst

i like the use of colour in this image, however  i don't like the image as a whole as i find it to be too busy, and its not as clear as i would like it to be.

Alison Carmichael

i like these images as i like the use of font in order to create an image, and to give it meaning, i like how in the below image the crude nature is masked by the use of a nice font, allowing it to be interpreted differently than it would of been if they had used another font. i also like how the artist has chosen to use just one colour, in order to not complicate things. 

Kristofer Strom

i like this image as i like the comical aspect behind it, i also like the use of colour and the layout. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Andy Potts

i like the use of colour in this image, however i dont like the image as a whole, as i find that it has too much going in which is distracting and doesn't allow you to fully take in the image as you are constantly unsure what sure to look at. 

Keri Smith

i like this image a i like the use of font in order to create a picture, i also like the minimalistic and rugged approach to displaying the fonts.

Kate Moross

i like the use of colour in both of these images, and i also like the use of shapes and different fonts to bring an image together and allow it to add a exciting edge to the images. 

Gemma Correll

i love these images as i love the simplicity of them, but also at the same time the amount of depth and meaning each image has, i asleep like them as they take ordinary things that people find hard to understand such as anxiety and allow it to have a comical nature, which could be used to inform people. 

James Victore

i like this image as the message is obvious but i also like the crude nature of it as i find it makes me laugh, and engages me, i also like how it has a minimal use of colour in it. 

Alan Fletcher

i like this image, as i like the use of colour and the rugged nature of the image, i also like how it boldly conveys a message.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Saul Bass

i really like this image as i like the use of minimal colours such as red and black, but i like the use of outlines in order to make a sufficient film poster for star wars. 

Giovanni Pintori

i like the simplicity of this image, however i don't like how this image is as a whole, as i cant seem to find an meaning behind the work, and it doesn't engage me in a way other art work does. 

Matthew Hollings

I like this image as i like the colour scheme and the digital context of image, whilst it also displays a meaning. I like the fact that images have meanings behind them, or can be used to convey messages. 


i choose this image, because i love the way the artist has made this whilst only using 5 colours. i think it would help inspire me in my work to use less colours, as it proves that you can still make a great piece of art work with a minimal colour palette. 

Saskia Wariner

I like this image because i like the simplicity within it, but i also admire the bringing together of typography and imagery to make a final outcome. i like how this artist use minimalism in her work. 

Butcher Billy

i chose this image, as i like how the artist has used bought together the artist Kurt Cobain and also Thor, i think it makes the image have a deeper meaning and i also enjoy the colours that the artist has used in order to allow it to stand out. The particular technique used would be digital art work, the artist probably used photoshop and a graphics tablet in order to make the image. 

I choose this image, as i liked how the artist decide to bring together the album cover of the band Joy Division with the superhero Batman. I think the artist also used digital mediums to create the work and i like the image as it brings together different backgrounds and makes them link. I also like the messaged conveyed within the work.